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Data Literacy 1

Data Literacy

Technological innovation is the cornerstone of the change we’re now witnessing. Through its constant steps forward, technology continues to generate new opportunities linked to increasing automation, greater connections between people and machines and the development of a new language: the language of data.
In this context, writing, reading, analysing, and criticising data is a skill of paramount importance, today more than ever.
The aim of data literacy is to provide you with these skills.

This is the fourth industrial revolution, and its product is data

According to IDC forecasts, by 2025, the volume of data will be
10 times more than today. Automation, robotics, IoT, Machine Learning and AI are some of the factors that will contribute to this
increase in quantity, diversity and complexity of data and their sources.

Dal dato all’informazione, il nuovo linguaggio del Business


From data to information, the business language

Today, organisations are dealing with an incredible quantity of data, but they need to get value from this data in order to remain competitive on the market. More data does not necessarily mean more knowledge.
Censuswide, only 1 manager out of 4 (24%) and 1 director out of 3 (32%) claim to be skilled in data analysis. Investing in data literacy means investing in your company’s future.

I vantaggi dell’alfabetizzazione sui dati


The benefits of Data Literacy

As found in research by Wharton School Academics – University of Pennsylvania & IHS Markit, when faced with increasing business complexity, having a critical approach to data means:

  • enhanced competitiveness, with performances improved by 3%-5% in terms of market capitalisation and a positive impact also with regard to company performance indicators such as MOL, RES and ROS;
  • greater insight, i.e. more immediate strategic knowledge;
  • better decisions as they are more informed;
  • a more engaged workforce.
Un supporto mirato per la tua organizzazione


Targeted support for your organisation

ITReview offers mentorship programmes to suit your organisation’s needs, from personalised training to creating an online dictionary.

  • ASSESSMENT, tests and interviews to map the company departments and functions that have the biggest requirements in terms of data literacy;
  • PERSONALISED TRAINING, training programmes based on your company’s real needs and the results of the previous phase;
  • DATA STEWARDS, training of an in-house employee who can promote and spread the culture of data analysis, becoming the contact person for the company’s culture, language and data-driven approach;
  • DATA GLOSSARY, an innovative, multimedia glossary to access, define and democratise the language of data and make it easier to understand within the organisation;
  • DATA VIZ, training aimed at improving accessibility and comprehension of data through Data Visualization and at creating dashboards and graphics in line with best practices;
  • WORKSHOPS, in-depth study and practical experiments about the potential of data analysis in your company.
Data Literacy 2
ContinueSources and Data Processing
Data Literacy 2